Sunday, April 12, 2009


I was inspired by your bad ass’ery Ben! I downloaded Alchemy and gave it a go, I like it. It’s different and takes a little bit to getting use to, but it’s fun! Thanks for the link to download it.


  1. No undo! That takes some getting use to definitely and thank Sir Stanley Grey Hash for the alchemy hookup, he turned me on to it a few months back. Jeez, I'd kill for half of your color sense...

  2. Thank you Sir Stanley Grey Hash!

    There is no sense to my color sense… It was all pretty random. Except using blue for shadows. If you start working more with color I’ll bet you’ll be able to blow me out of the water in no time. I’d kill to have half your ability to express energy and action… my stuff looks lifeless compared to yours.

  3. The color is definitely killer. How large of a color palette do you often work with?
